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The Methods for Economic Evaluation Project (MEEP) was established by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2013 to improve the quality and transparency of economic evaluation and to guide researchers in undertaking and reporting well-conducted and robust analyses.
MEEP was a novel collaboration led by NICE International and included partners from institutions around the world including the Health Intervention and Technology Appraisal Program (Thailand), the University of York, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the University of Glasgow.
A key output of MEEP was the production of the Gates Reference Case, a set of principles, methodological specifications and reporting standards to support health economic evaluations funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Senior academics, donors and policy makers attended the launch at the Houses of Parliament, followed by a technical workshop to discuss why and how the Gates Reference Case was developed; what it means for researchers, donors, and policy makers working in low and middle income countries; and next steps in the development and implementation of the reference case.
The MEEP final report contains the full Gates Reference Case and background to the project, download here:
Methods for Economic Evaluation Project (MEEP): final report
Methods for Economic Evaluation Project (MEEP): appendices