
Project Code


Research team


Tanunya Koopitakkajorn, B. (Pharm), M.Sc. (Pharm)

Co - Researcher

Surakameth Mahasirimongkol

Project Details

Project Status

Completed - 100%

Viewer: 2423

Publish date14 December 2011 12:26

Project Summary

Economic evaluation of HLA-B*1502 screening for preventing carbamazepine- induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is prioritized by stakeholders under ‘Research for development of health benefit package under universal coverage scheme’. The study carried out an evidence to inform the Subcommittee for Development of the Benefit Package and Service Delivery – the coverage decision authority responsible for issuing the recommendations on whether HLA-B*1502 screening should be offered to individuals who are eligible under the health benefit package of the Universal Coverage Scheme. This is a cost-utility analysis using decision tree and Markov models to estimate costs and health outcomes of providing HLA-B*1502 screening compared to i) the current practice in which patients received carbamazepine without HLA-B*1502 screening, and ii) not prescribing carbamazepine but alternative drugs. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of the universal HLA-B*1502 screening compared with the current practice was estimated at 130,000 Thai Baht per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained for patients with neuropathic pain and 222,000 Thai Baht per QALY gained for patients with epilepsy.  

