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The focus of HTA in this project is HTA for benefit package design. The main output will be a step-by-step guide for HTA methods and/or process guideline development, starting from key considerations in the initial phase to support the set-up of a conducive environment for good HTA, steps to follow including key literature and reference during the stage of generating guidelines, and recommendations in the implementation phase after the guidelines are developed. Institutional arrangements and policy statements/legal frameworks are outside the scope of this project.

However, this project recognises that the HTA guideline development has shown to be a part of or a crucial factor driving the HTA institutionalisation process for functioning HTA system. Simultaneously, the success of the guideline can also be influenced by the overall institutionalisation. Although the success is context-dependent, in this case it was defined as the ability of the guideline to help generate good quality HTA studies that inform policy, improve clinical practice, and the perceived legitimacy and longevity of HTA.

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