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In the era that most of the countries are moving toward universal health coverage (UHC), there is no doubt that every country experiences gap between their citizen’s health needs and what is economically achievable by government, especially in speedily advancement in health technology field. Hence priority setting has become a fundamental process in every country. However, within each country, the implementation and the purpose in setting priority for UHC might varies. This newsletter tries to explore our new members’ perspective in using priority setting for UHC in their country.

As we mentioned about our new members, our editorial team would like to use this area to give a warm welcome to them. In this 2019 board meeting, we accepted 8 more organizations to join our family. We are looking forward to join hands on advancing health technology assessment (HTA) path together.

We are also pleased to announce that the next HTAsiaLink conference in 2020 will be held in Bali, Indonesia from 13th – 16th April 2020 by the Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies. We are looking forward to meet our HTAsiaLink member there! Lastly, the Editorial Team hope that you will enjoy reading this issue, stories from the members of our network.

Let’s learn more together in the 13th HTAsiaLink Newsletter below!