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The UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is the independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health.

With an annual budget of approximately £35 million, NICE employs 250 staff in its offices in London and Manchester. Throughout the year, up to 2,000 experts are engaged in developing NICE products via its academic, professional and public involvement networks across the UK.

An integral part of the National Health Service (NHS), the world’s largest health service, NICE has been setting evidence-based best practice standards for
health professionals since its establishment by the UK government in 1999. NICE provides authoritative recommendations on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness
of medical technologies and management strategies to improve health outcomes, reduce inequalities and ensure that patients get the best outcomes and the NHS gets value for money. We make sure that this information reaches the wider public, the NHS and patients and we provide co-ordinated support for those frontline professionals responsible for implementing our guidance. By using effective and cost-effective clinical and public health interventions, the health of the population can be improved and equal, affordable access to healthcare can be achieved and maintained.


Learn more about NICE in the document below.