
Project Code


Research team


Co - Researcher


Project Details

Project Status

Conducting Research - 41%

Viewer: 1809

Publish date24 November 2011 21:20

Project Summary

Capacity building aims at expanding researchers’ competence and capacity, and consists of 3 approaches as follows: a. Increasing the number of mentorships by selecting highly equipped Ph.D. graduates who have made a commitment to participate in HITAP, and to increase the experience and transfer of knowledge to young researchers in an apprenticeship system. b. The forming of an apprenticeship system, with the selection of talented and committed individuals to work with senior mentors in the form of on-the-job training. c. Supporting researchers in the apprenticeship system who show the capacity and commitment needed for further study at the Masters and/or Ph.D. levels in institutions, both locally and abroad, in relevant topics such as health economic evaluation, clinical epidemiology, evidence synthesis, biomedical statistics, and ethics and resource allocation. The prerequisite condition for these researchers is that they must participate in on-the-job training for capacity assessment as a researcher for a period of time.  

