
Project Code


Research team


Co - Researcher

Montarat Thavorncharoensap, PhD.

Naeti Suksomboon, PhD.

Kakanang Tosanguan, BSPs.(Pharmaceutical Science)

Project Details

Project Status

Completed - 100%

Viewer: 2297

Publish date27 November 2011 03:10

Project Summary

Thailand has promoted the use of herbal medicine for many years, but the value of herbal medicine in public health facilities does not meet the established target. The survey of health practitioners towards herbal medicine and the policy in promotion of the use of herbal medicine in health practitioners gives us information reinforcing and resistance factors of the use of herbal medicines. The results showed that health practitioners were not convinced of the efficiency, safety, quality and standard of herbal medicines. Health practitioners believed that the policy in promotion of the use of herbal medicine in tertiary public health facilities was very difficult. First and foremost, physicians and key personnel in the hospital should be educated regarding the qualities of both herbal and modern medicine. With this knowledge they would be able to substitute herbal medicine for modern medicine when it is an appropriate substitute. Academic detailing in promoting the use of herbal medicine should be done through a Thai traditional medical doctor. Herbal medicine must be included in hospital drug lists and reimbursement of herbal medicine expenses could be claimed. In addition, the policy in the promotion of the use of herbal medicine should mainly focus on primary and secondary public health facilities.

