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ชื่อ-สกุล: Songyot Pilasant

อีเมล์: [email protected],

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Songyot Pilasant graduated with a Master of Arts in Health Management, Planning and Policy from The University of Leeds in 2018 and holds a professional degree in Physiotherapy from Thammasat University in 2008. He started his career as a research assistant at HITAP. He involved in the project for assessing the impact of health promotion interventions using social marketing strategies among construction and factory workers and “Health system research topics prioritisation of Thailand 2010”. Songyot is interested in health policy and international health. He attended the 2012 Global Health Diplomacy Executive Training Course in Shanghai, China. He has contributed to the project ‘The development of a system for monitoring the situation and impacts of teenage pregnancy in Thailand’, ‘Evaluation the development of healthy public policies under the National Health Commission between 2007 and 2011’ and ‘Health research topic prioritisation in Thailand’. With the great potential of Songyot, at present, he is the head of the Research unit of HITAP.