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ชื่อ-สกุล: Aparna Ananthakrishnan

อีเมล์: [email protected],

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Aparna Ananthakrishnan is an Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellow at the HITAP international unit. Prior to joining HITAP, Aparna assisted with epidemiological research on neglected tropical diseases and developed knowledge sharing systems for improved multi-country program implementation within the Deworm the World Initiative at Evidence Action, in Washington DC. Drawing on her inter-disciplinary graduate specializations in both public health and international development, from LSHTM and UCL, Aparna has previously designed and implemented policy and program interventions to address health inequalities in marginalized communities in southern India. Under this umbrella, her focus has been on improving access and affordability of reproductive health services, safe maternal health, designing healthy cities to beat non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and using digital technologies to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). With HITAP, Aparna has been primarily involved in technical assistance and capacity building in the Philippines, as well as pursuing a review on the economics and policy landscape for prevention of anti-microbial resistance in lower-middle income countries.